Thursday, April 2, 2015

A New Knitted Seashell**

Here is photo,  and a view before stitching up.
 I must still write up the Pattern asap.  Increase once every 4th stitch.....
8 cm tall and 4 cm wide.  Up to 89 stitches.  4 ply knitting cotton here.

Please click on image to enlarge it.

After this there is plan to make permutations and combinations of numbers and yarns and colours...


Combining the Fibonacci Series and Half Fibonacci Series  (post of 9/13/2014)  reveals a new series:-

0,  0.5,  1,  1.5,  2,  2.5,  3,  4,  5,  6.5,  8,  10.5,  13,  17,  21,  27.5,  34,  44.5,  55,  72,  89,  116.5,  144,  188.5,  233,  305,  377,  493.5,  610,  798.5,  987,  1292,  1597,  2090,5,  2584,  3382.5,  4181,  5473,  6765,  8855.5,  10946..............

So I can use 5 in row 1,  then say  8,  then 10,  13,  17,  21,  27,  34,  44,  55,  72 ( actually I use 70 - it is a bit easier to calculate...,),  89   and so on.
I  posted how to do this in the afore mentioned post.....  knit 3 then 2x in 4th stitch is algorithm,  with minor adjustments at the end to achieve the exact Fibonacci number.
but I will rewrite it up presently,   with more details.

The thin inside ares should be adjusted a bit further in,  it is all to make the model less bulky.

**You could easily make it all in one colour, 
with green in row with 70 stitches, even with knob or spikes on the 70 row.

You could transcribe it all to crochet;  start from the bottom at 5.
You could change it to just increase 4 to 5 or decrease 5 to 4 without  fiddling with adjustments at the end of row to make a serious Fibonacci number.  Vague might be ok.

And make it with more stitches ie up to 144 or 233.....

 *** It is all in the sewing up along the spiral "suture".
 I crocheted a row on final inside edge with the fine cotton.  This makes it easier to then sew final edge on to the row under 70 using a skewer to wind the work into a spiral beginning at the top,  as described in past posts eg  9/12/2014 and associated posts.

Cotton balls from the chemist can be each unrolled to make a flat piece,  so layers can be inserted as one sews up the piece,  to pad it.  Other fibres can be used if you have anything suitable.

We will find out how to make a proper tall spired seashell eventually!.

16/6/2015 more

Knit.  Begin with cast on 55,   yellow is 72, increase to 89.  then gradually decrease.
ie.  decreasing every 5th stitch=  55 - 68 - 85 - 68 - 55 - 44 - 34 - 28 - 21...etc
Can you figure out the rows from this image?  Are they consecutive or alternate?
I shall have to write out the instructions (if I can remember them)......
Or  make a brand new one, with smaller thin area, and write it up properly.

Sewing up this one felt odd because the central column bit felt wobbly-  too much too thin.
The finished model looks ok-  best pointy tip so far.

PS  1/8/2017
Rereading this, it is maybe a mistake to increase every 5th stitch-  rather every 4th stitch.  But I must check the maths properly  and report later........

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