Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Proportional Calipers **

Sometimes I need to make my  own drawings of seashells.  Not easy if one does not have the artist's eye to measure exactly.  I tried to make my own proportional calipers and developed several versions.  Then I googled for them - and one can buy them, made in metal or other material.
Here is the simplest one:-
You can loosen and tighten the wing nut and bolt.
You can enlarge the sketch as shown.  Click on images to see them more clearly.
Here is the best most accurate one I made.  This is cardboard template first,  then one can make it with wooden ruler or whatever length timber you wish.  The cardboard is too wobbly to use.

Diagram describes proportionality.

This model is not accurate at large sizes.  The pincer tips make the error.
I think it is better to make a caliper dedicated to one proportion only, eg  x8.  This is the one used by sculptors who make enlarged final sculptures  x8 times the size of the original maquette.  
I got the idea when I saw Tom Bass' retrospective Exhibition at the Sydney Opera House, some years ago.  His instrument was  expertly and elegantly made in wood and brass. 

Here is my attempt to model the tip of a seashell:-
The calipers shown were fairly but not really accurate.  
The tip of one pincer broke off and I had to try to glue a bit on to fix it.

Measure the width of the whorls, north, south, east and west.  It made a flat diagram. 
 To make it a cone,  find the height and put a similar cone underneath, and slit the sides all around to make the cone.  Stickytape it together. Next I have to figure it out lengthwise so that I can plan how many crochet or knit stitches are needed to make a more accurate tip to my seashell models.

A Shaman Mentions the Fibonacci Number Series.

Monday ...18 November 2013 2AM
Radio National, New Dimensions    www.abc.net.au/rn/newdimensions
Program number 3479..  One can listen online;  also on the New Dimensions.org website.
dom Oscar Miro-Quesada from Peru interview-  Justine Willis Toms is host..
He has co-authored a book with Bonnie Glass    ....., "Lessons in Courage"
His website is www.heartofthehealer.org
it is THoTH...  see videos on YouTube.
His young life,  in the High Andes,  a visitation- the Three Shining Ones"-
he met his mentor;   Sacred cactus;   veil between spiritual and physical;
"to transform....to shapeshift...to walk through life with love....allows the progression of the soul.
Love begets life.
Consciousness begets matter.
Language begets reality.
Ritual begets relationship.
Nature begets......(I missed the words..)

Close your eyes, Imagine a Nautilus shape on seashore sand,  water ebbs and flows, pulsing......beauty and grace into this world,.....allies.....appreciation of the sacred....
the Fibonacci series.......It is the Golden Spiral....the five directions....
raise vibration.....water - vapour - plasma - Higgs-Boson Condensate - Dark matter - Soul - Void....
Material universe...will be an expression of all the love we carry.
The Ineffable
Soul Remembers.  The Heart Leaps.  The Spirit Awakens.  The Mind Knows.  The Body Follows.
It depends on how much yearning we have.
See ourselves in the future.
Tend the sacred Garden of our Soul."

I was taught in Mahikari that it is Spirit first, the Mind next and Body follows.
My inner desire is to cultivate the Garden of my Heart.
It is curious to hear someone say something higher.

Fibonacci Spirals

Here is the correctly accepted explanation.  You can see it on Google Images, and Dr Ron Knott's website, plus on many other websites to do with Fibonacci Series:-

Once someone asked me what it is and I was confused.  I tried to work it out myself later, and these are the results  Not exactly correct, but one sees the principle at work.

Longtime no posts.   I have been flat on my back in a kind of otherworldly clinic to do with- kundalini.  A bit of a worry-  seems to be RFID microchips or similar devices....Is anyone else in the world going through anything like this?  I saw something on YouTube.

Playing with Pythagoras

Pythagoras' Theorem says that the square on the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.  We have seen recently a study of such triangles with  sides being consecutive Fibonacci numbers:-
What if we play with them and make some shapes:-

Notice the Lucas Series within them:-

Now, what would they look like actual size?  I can only make up to 144 cm side, out of paper:-

What if we make a spiral by hanging the point from ceiling and easing the paper into a cone"-

Flatten the model:-

One could go on forever.  A funny kind of stairway to heaven, with straight path up and down and right angles.  Maybe a kind of ziggurat might be made.  The Tower of Babel of biblical fame,  in Mesopotamia (Iraq), was a ziggurat of some kind.

  INSERT     **6/7/2015------- A Very Exciting Video on YouTube!
 "The Hidden Secrets of  the Great Pyramid's Construction Uncovered."

uploaded by LEXXTEX - 293  August 28, 2012

French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin intuited that the stones were added via AN INTERNAL RAMP.
He undertook studies on his own accord,  and later met up with New York Egyptologist Bob Brier who travelled with him to Giza and they followed through M.Houdin's ideas to test and verify, and film them.
In 1986 French engineers took thousands of microgravimetric measurements which showed zones of significant sub density.At France's MIT,  M. Houdin was shown drawings of  square spiral shape  of 7 degrees slope inside the Giza Pyramid which corresponded to the 15% missing space inside the Pyramid.  The French engineers did not know what to make of it-  but M. Houdin immediately knew.

And I flashed onto my own square spiral= this Playing with Pythagoras!  It may be possible for me to contact M. Houdin on his website or Facebook  and venture to ask him if there is any good correlation....

At 42:34 minutes  find   --- Scientific 3D Software made a simulated 3D model of Khufu.
This is entirely magical science and most beautiful final to the story-
 tho there is always more... for example--- why?  Maybe aliens can tell us....?

Another video fortuitously found video isUnsolved Mysteries.  The Secret of Easter Island.  by Blue Globe.  Sept 1, 2014
The Statues walked!  With the help of 3 teams of people with ropes attached to the statue.
 Slope of roads from Quarry were 3 degrees uphill and max 6 degrees downhill!  12 miles.
At 45: 20 minutes,  and I promise you, the whole story is just as fascinating as the Giza pyramid story.


We can make another Pattern when we put the right angled Fibonacci triangles heel to toe, and if we make its mirror image:-

This reminds me of a Mandelbrot form I saw at the end of Alex Putney's  free online book on Kundalini in http//:www.human-resonance.org
It also reminds me of the Theoretical Christmas Tree I published here Christmas 2011.