Saturday, August 29, 2020

My Best Seashell Model- photo 27/11/2018


I have been busy with other concerns;  I can't believe I have not posted this!    To be continued when I have more to publish here.

More 3/12/2020

I was working hard all  one day to try to crochet a model like the above one,  but some details are wrong.  So I must undo and redo, to fix finer details,  and maybe i might get a Pattern that I can use properly forever, just adjusting the parameters.   To begin with,  I need to measure the real thing, the pointy seashell,  Conch.

Measurements to follow, and then hopefully a Pattern,  if I am lucky about it.
Meanwhile,  I have huge work to keep garden weeded after unusual high spring rains grew massive bio growth-   many Salvation Janes (or Patterson's Curse),  monster Cape Weed and Narrow Leaf Hare's Tail Clover (dry seeds are prickly, and hurt)  and 9 ft tall wild oats  (worry about fire hazard).  I try to do work with my scythe in early mornings,  but it is almost too much for a 75 year old lady!   Plus seeds to be planted and nourished for summer crops.  I bought 4 Persimmons and a Fig tree,  much hope there.   
Eventually I will be free to do this blog properly with some videos I plan to make re how I do crochet my way (unusual method)   and   proper Patterns.   After all this time I forget what I did last year or year before.   I have added some pics to my acolourfulpost blogspot    more to do there too,   and there is huge work to publish re CO2    and re Volcanoes,   and  the state of the Garden.  It looks as if I am  doing "meadow gardening".    My bushland revegetation is going well with modest success.   One wants to recover the dainty species of traditional Aboriginal times;;   so sad to have lost almost all of it.

There is something significant to happen dec 21 2020 at Uluru in Central Australia!
An ancient prophecy to do with Pleiadians,  older than Stonehenge,  will happen.  Then Gaia's heart may be returned to her proper alignment after the dark forces have had it all upside down for so long.  Please see    website of Stephen and Evan Strong,  and some good videos on Dec 21 2020.   on YouTube  see Quantum Truths JC Kay-  early video is what is under Uluru,  and what is under the Vatican.  Strong forces are at work.   No wonder we might feel rather wobbly.  One hopes all will be well,  and all will soon be much better than before,  after all this time of tribulations for thousands of years.  We have been through it all.

So  "All good,"  as my brothers would say.  Soon it is Christmas,  and I have a brand new Equation.  I worked it out in 2018 but I have been so busy with environmental so called climate change (more like weather warfare, ) but recent intel says that there is something quite unexpected has been at work.  The swamp is indeed being drained,  of demons and such.  SSP et al.  I don't know much and some of it I am a bit wary of but who am I to judge world events?   )

All we can do is to be the best version of ourselves as we can,  considering our handicaps etc,  and realise we are more than we know.  Our True Selves have been hidden for a long time-  we have forgotten much,  but chances are we can regain our strengths as human Beings,  Michael J Roads says we are magnificent, multidimensional, metaphysical, immortal Beings of Love and Light.   This Christmas could be a new Beginning for Humankind,  if we are to be so lucky.    Selah.   It means "breath"  in Sanskrit.

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