Friday, July 16, 2021
Cosmic Eight Mirror Script of ancient Japan, part 2.
Here is the Correct katakamuna as given by Avery Morrow.
In a previous post I published a partial syllabary but I got the a and shi mixed up. Very sorry.
It is a mystery how we do not see our mistakes until later. Here in this post all is correct as far as I can see.
Notice how one counts:- hi fu mi yo i mu na ya ko to, this display of katakamuna is very orderly!
please click on
images to see more clearly; it may help.
I have been able to edit simply tho the blog input window is still all in code.......5/8/2021
PLease note:- There has popped up on You Tube a video of Katakamuna, sung, 12000 year old medicine song by Enrad Shaman Voice Circle Jul 3 2020
there is still a mistake shi and tsu need to be exchanged. tsu has square with 4 mirrors. apology. the following video is corrected!