More work on making seashell models and I am trying to make it as simple as possible.
So the algorithm is
make 4 stitches into 5, ie crochet or knit once in 3 stitches, then twice in 4th stitch.
Bumps here are made of 3 chains. Indent is different. Start with 5. Numbers are different. 5 rows of 75.
No need to fine tune the numbers to reach exact Fibonacci or Fibonacci and a half Numbers (see post of 9/13/15) for each row. It comes close to that kind of array, tho personally I get more satisfaction being exact. A Table for the 4 to 5 series is on its way....
This one is the latest. It is not yet sewn up. Best not to rush it.
Will post as soon as it is made up.
It promises to look OK.
**Please click on image to enlarge it.
Insert 15/5/2015
Well, this is not the perfect pattern. The inside thin area is too big. I now think it might need only a very small thin area at the top to allow configuration of tight small spiral.
Finished model minus the long anterior bit (snipped off)
(Some seashell do have an elongated spindle shape.)
So now it is back to square one with amended Pattern. One go has already been unravelled because it is not right! One day it will be done properly...
15/4/2015 continued...
Am staying in Town to continue to hear the Nature Spirits TeleSummit online ( I have no electricity or Internet at home in my caravan). Summit is as described in last post.
Good stuff. Michael Roads has lots of stories. eg farmer hated foxes because they kill chickens. Michael asked "What came first- your hatred or the dead chooks?" Of course it was - the hatred. In the wild the partridges fly away when attacked and only one bird gets killed. Chooks are in a cage- they can't fly away, so the fox thinks it hasn't killed one he/she keeps on killing. When the farmer stopped hating Fox, the fox stopped killing chooks.....
Discord brings its own results, Intention is Everything.
I am coming to understand a little bit. Create Change by loving ourselves.
The other bit I love is _ Michael says that even if a Forest is devastated, it still exists Metaphysically. You can see it metaphysically. He can and does. The Forest or Ecosystem is Still There, in Spirit!
MInd blowing! We are each of us Magnificent, Multidimensional, Metaphysical, Immortal Beings of Love and Light. We have forgotten a lot. Chances are- more of us might Remember.
If one person can do it then it follows that all of us can potentially do the same.
The great Spiritual Teachings tell us that Spirit governs Matter.
Sukyo Mahikari teaches "Spirit first, mind follows, body belongs."
Here is a previous similar model - bumps are made of 5 chains. Only one row of 78, red row is 63. start with 8, different at top, different indents.
Sewn up, it is still a bit mishappen. So I had to make another (ie. above).
Here follows the made up model. A new way to sew it up- use less padding , and start to pad just at the top . I have tended to be clumsy and overstuff the work! Light touch.... cotton balls can be unrolled for padding.
There is a lot of work in drawing up diagrams. Some have been done but often I have to redo them because of mistakes. Writing up a crochet or knitting Pattern must be exactly Right before it is published. I am 69 and can forget stuff eg how many stitches are in the indents.
So I have to make Another one to get it right!
Each one can take more than one day to make. Thus we are still waiting for a Correct Pattern.
How do you like this beauty of a Real Seashell?
The "bumps" are most elaborate.
About 25 bumps- 5 or 6 big ones, about 8 medium, about 13 smaller.
Interesting point is 5 +8 +13 = 26 and 26 = 2 x 13.
Thus an Equation for Fibonacci Numbers
Fn + Fn+1 Fn+2 = 2 Fn+2 . eg 233 + 377 + 610 = 1220 = 2 x 610.
One is Continuously trying to Improve. Still guessing what to do.....
I need to micro measure real seashells, eg the pointy Auger Shell etc..
Please click on image to enlarge it.
A challenge for the future!
12/16/2015 The challenge has manifested. This model was made over 3 days while I was listening to the ABC Radio Classic 100 Swoon Program June 5,6,7,8. and is being documented in Making a Pink Seashell Part 3. **
Oh how I wish I wasn't a math idiot. I love to crochet, but sadly only understand standard patterns. Your work is incredible