F12=144, r=72, C=452.6; F13=233, r=116.5, C=732.3; F14=377, r=188.5, C=1184.9
10 x radius F11=445 ="close to" C of F12, =452.6
10 x radius F12=720 ="close to" C of F13, =732.3
10 x 10 x radius F13=1165="close to" C of F14, =1184.9
So 10 x radius = "close to" Circumference of Fn+1 when the diameter is a Fibonacci number.
b) Intervals between ripples;- 188.5 - 116.5=72
c) 27.5+44.5=72 etc
d)Radius Fn+1/C, Fn. 144/279.7143=0.5148, 233/452.47=0.5148
Circumference Fn/radius Fn+1. 452.57/233=1.94236, 732.2857/377=1.9424
e) diam 1/diam 2. 233/144=1.618,
C1/C2=452.5714/279.7143=1.61797 ~1.618, r1/r2=116.5/72=1.618
2. Where radius is a Fibonacci number. diagram 4
Circumference Fn+1------radius Fn x 10---------difference----------ratio
This is an extraordinary discovery!
It means that
an increment of "close to" is actually governed by The Golden Mean, 1.618 !
more:- Fn x 44/7 = circumference; higher numbers:-
F22--17711-----x44/7 =11326.3
F23--28657-----"-----=180129.7, -177110 = difference =3019.3,
F24--46368--------------291456, -286570 =4886------ratio 4886/3019.3=1.6182558
F25--75025------------471585.7, -463680 =7905.7-----------7905.7/4886=1.6180311
F26--21393------------763041.7, -750250 =12791.7-------12791.7/7905.7=1.6180335
F27--196418-----------123462.4, -1213930 =20697.4---20697.4/12791.7=1.6180335
Here is The Golden Mean , 1.618, playing a part.
***large fibonacci numbers are too much for calculator to handle.
b) intervals between ripples
1597-987=610, etc
c) 233+377=610, etc
d) r1/r2=1597/987=1.6180344
There are quite a few websites concerned with ripples and numbers.
Some are technical; some are religious, to do with Fibonacci numbers. I shall list some asap.
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