Back in July 2007 I needed to find a sequence within the series which was amenable to crochet or knitting patterns. Above is a photo of a page from my Journal to illustrate. Another page from my Journal is above it. Click to enlarge to full size. Then go back to main text.
It was evident that 2 times F(n-2) plus F(n-3) was the Pattern.
eg 610=2x233+144
in the photo it is 377 stitches crocheted on the outer edge.
The model below is 144 stitches on the outer edge.
The second photo is of the models folded in half.
The 144 model looks like a bracket fungus, or like a pouch!
One thinks of endoderm, ectoderm etc and invagination--
the beginnings of cell division, maybe!
At the time I only knew to crochet in a circle was not the way to crochet a seashell,
so I had to make another Pattern and this is the one which works:-
It forms a hyperbolic geometric shape which folds in half to configure neatly into a shell spiral, as simple or a complex as one wishes to make.
Then I realised-- all one needed to do was fold it back the other way to get the right hand spiral.
There was a moment when I was gazing at the folded up model and I realised that the opening was just where a snail has its opening. It was OK
***Next post is of Bivalves. They are made iaw a Pattern exactly half of the above design.
Fun and a bit tricky to make.
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