The Fibonacci Series was named after Leonardo of Pisa, a member of the Bonacci family.
Born in 1170 and died 1250.
He was educated in North Africa and studied mathematics with foremost scholars. His father, Guilielmo, held a diplomatic post. In 1200 the son ended his travels and returned to Pisa.
Leonardo introduced the Hindu-Arabic place-valued decimal system and the use of Arabic numerals into Europe. He also introduced the Fibonacci Series to western European Mathematics.
All this info I gleaned from Dr Ron Knott's website hosted by the Mathematics department of the University of Surrey, UK.
Thus the Fibonacci Series was not invented by Mr Bonacci.
I believe that in those days The Middle East, including Baghdad, was the pinnacle of Art and Science. My guess is that the Fibonacci series goes back even further, to ancient Vedic times, when there were wise humans who understood the secrets of nature.
The best evocation of Vedic times that I have encountered is given by the Siberian Wisewoman, Anastasia, in the Ringing Cedars of Russia series, 9 books, by Vladimir Megre. (also .au or .ru)
Especially see Book 6, "The Book of Kin", from page 94 for several chapters.
I would like to think that enough people care about Mother Earth, to help to save her and her beauty and magnificence. May it be so.
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