Following on from the previous posting:-
To make a larger and softer model of a snailshell one can crochet or knit one or more plain rows between each Pattern row.
If an even number of plain rows are made, then here is the simple pattern:-
(1 x 2) + 0
(1 x 2) + 1
(2 x 2) + 1 ...............................makes 5
(5 x 2)+ 3 ...........................................13
(8 x 2) + 5 ...........................................21
(13 x 2) + 8 .........................................34
(21 x 2) + 13 .......................................55
(34 x 2) + 21 .......................................89
(55 x 2) + 34 ......................................144
(89 x 2) + 55 ......................................233
(144 x 2) + 89 ....................................377
(233 x 2) + 144 ..................................610
(377 x 2) + 233 ..................................987
(610 x 2) + 377 ..................................1597
(987 x 2) + 610 ..................................2584 etc
If 1 or an odd number of plain rows are inserted then the pattern needs to alternate:-
(1 x 2) + 0
1 + (1 x 2) ............................Makes 3
(2 x 2) + 1 ....................................." 5
2 + (3 x 2) .......................................8
(5 x 2) + 3 .......................................13
5 + (8 x 2) .......................................21
(13 x 2) + 8 .....................................34
13 + (21 x 2) ...................................55
(34 x 2) + 21 ..................................89
34 + (55 x 2 ).................................144
(89 x 2) + 55 .................................233
89 + (144 x 2) ...............................377
(233 x 2) + 144 .............................610
233 + (377 x 2) ..............................987
(610 x 2) + 377 .............................1597
610 + (987 x 2) ............................2584 etc.
Half treble crochet stitch
wool round hook, hook into loop, wool round hook, pull through all 3 loops.
To knit, use the same patterns but work backwards and decrease in accordance with the Fibonacci series by knitting 2 together.
With variations, the sky is the limit.
Someone could even make a huge model stuffed with pillows.
I live in a caravan on 2 acres, without electricity or a car, so I prefer small models.
One can embroider stripes up the shape.
There is a species, Nodilittorina tuberculata, which has a pattern of knobs along the spiral. I tried to copy this by regularly bunching up the edge as I sewed up.
Janthina is pale violet on top and dark violet underneath.
On Feb 14 this year, Valentine's Day, I noticed that this very same hyperbolic shape for snail shells can also configure into a bivalve! One coils the shape from the 2 pointy edges. When I have photos of complete models I will post them.
I am told that thousands of people are making crocheted hyperbolic shapes all over the world and I am glad to discover more ideas.
Enough for now from Tiiu V.
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