Friday, December 11, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
The ARNE & CARLOS Christmas Special Podcast: Knitting Christmas Balls.
Dec 7. Ivy. Sit and Knit for a Bit - Christmas Countdown with ARNE & CARLOS.
Join our Christmas Countdown - Sit and Knit for a Bit with ARNE & CARLOS
Saturday, August 29, 2020
My Best Seashell Model- photo 27/11/2018
I have been busy with other concerns; I can't believe I have not posted this! To be continued when I have more to publish here.
More 3/12/2020
I was working hard all one day to try to crochet a model like the above one, but some details are wrong. So I must undo and redo, to fix finer details, and maybe i might get a Pattern that I can use properly forever, just adjusting the parameters. To begin with, I need to measure the real thing, the pointy seashell, Conch.
Measurements to follow, and then hopefully a Pattern, if I am lucky about it.
Meanwhile, I have huge work to keep garden weeded after unusual high spring rains grew massive bio growth- many Salvation Janes (or Patterson's Curse), monster Cape Weed and Narrow Leaf Hare's Tail Clover (dry seeds are prickly, and hurt) and 9 ft tall wild oats (worry about fire hazard). I try to do work with my scythe in early mornings, but it is almost too much for a 75 year old lady! Plus seeds to be planted and nourished for summer crops. I bought 4 Persimmons and a Fig tree, much hope there.
Eventually I will be free to do this blog properly with some videos I plan to make re how I do crochet my way (unusual method) and proper Patterns. After all this time I forget what I did last year or year before. I have added some pics to my acolourfulpost blogspot more to do there too, and there is huge work to publish re CO2 and re Volcanoes, and the state of the Garden. It looks as if I am doing "meadow gardening". My bushland revegetation is going well with modest success. One wants to recover the dainty species of traditional Aboriginal times;; so sad to have lost almost all of it.
There is something significant to happen dec 21 2020 at Uluru in Central Australia!
An ancient prophecy to do with Pleiadians, older than Stonehenge, will happen. Then Gaia's heart may be returned to her proper alignment after the dark forces have had it all upside down for so long. Please see website of Stephen and Evan Strong, and some good videos on Dec 21 2020. on YouTube see Quantum Truths JC Kay- early video is what is under Uluru, and what is under the Vatican. Strong forces are at work. No wonder we might feel rather wobbly. One hopes all will be well, and all will soon be much better than before, after all this time of tribulations for thousands of years. We have been through it all.
So "All good," as my brothers would say. Soon it is Christmas, and I have a brand new Equation. I worked it out in 2018 but I have been so busy with environmental so called climate change (more like weather warfare, ) but recent intel says that there is something quite unexpected has been at work. The swamp is indeed being drained, of demons and such. SSP et al. I don't know much and some of it I am a bit wary of but who am I to judge world events? )
All we can do is to be the best version of ourselves as we can, considering our handicaps etc, and realise we are more than we know. Our True Selves have been hidden for a long time- we have forgotten much, but chances are we can regain our strengths as human Beings, Michael J Roads says we are magnificent, multidimensional, metaphysical, immortal Beings of Love and Light. This Christmas could be a new Beginning for Humankind, if we are to be so lucky. Selah. It means "breath" in Sanskrit.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Index, from the Beginning, for Biomathcraft.
Index was published 9 October 2016. Please scroll down dates top RHS to find it.
However, I did remove all the shared videos....sorry; it would have been better had i listed the URL for YT of each- this may still be done.
One person was angry about people sharing her crochet spiral video- she said it was stealing. I was upset one day, and so removed all shared videos. It gives a feeling of relief, having less on display, less clutter; tho I regret losing some valuable videos......My mother used to burn the family photos when she was distressed. We humans are so too sensitive, especially if trauma in childhood was our history. Then again, even a few kind words are enough to heal wounds. I remember finding a book in Hornsby library in the 1970s, .........wait a bit, I might remember author.........he was ill in hospital, in terrible pain. A nurse was attending him- he saw big tears in her beautiful Edwardian eyes as she contemplated his plight- and the pain went away!!! So suddenly the pain was Gone. The sight of her tears was the most powerful analgesic!
These days our libraries in Australia, were directed to cull books. Many of my favourite authors have gone out of my local library! It is sobering to remember that nasty History has traditionally followed book burnings, eg Nazi Germany..... We are on the cusp of more Reich atrocities if we are not aware- it is happening in America- Georgia Guidestones........ One wants us to wake up- even this so called "pandemic" is very likely a big Hoax, as is the CO2 global warming Scam. One can write quite a Story about it all and wish to find the truth....the real bioweapon killed
Chinese (used against dissidents) in a few days; horribly, inside organs liquefying!!! Bodies still breathing were put inside 3 bags and thrown into incinerators!!! Such was the fear in Wuhan.....I write on my other blog about CO2 being actually too low at 0.04% 400 parts per million- in Ice Ages it was 0.018%, extinction is at 0.015%. Such is the world that one is not heard at all.
Whole economies and businesses are being trashed- all the hard work of people as nothing. One can only hope we might set the world a bit straighter.... for example, there might have been Someone in Universe has heard the cries of pain of slaughtered animals....all too much to endure.....I do not like red meat to eat. Vegetables full of spiritual energy fresh from Garden are enough for me- no way do I want any artificial lab made Soylent Green "food"!!! Yesterday i bought a bottle of Schweppes tonic water (I didn't see the no sugar)....the quinine is said to be good for health re viruses...but 950 and 951 are codes for aspartame- toxic artificial sweeteners! Implicated in cancers, brain tumours, headaches, seizures...I usually avoid soft drinks because they contain sodium benzoate preservatives; sadly I love bubbles. I like the movie "Time of the Sixth Sun" - it was 11 years in the making- interviews with fine human beings, shamans and all kinds of folk who wish the world to be well. There is hope out there. Our imagination creates the world. I am an old survivor of the days of Dr Arthur Janov's "Primal Scream" therapies- we in Oz were going to heal and save the world! So I understand the depths of sorrow held in the human psyche which might cause us to make mistakes and trouble over and over again.
My feeling is now at age 74 that maybe God had to "go somewhere" to do an urgent task, leaving the world in less capable lower godly hands. One day He might Return. Not with punishment- but asking each of us, "And what have you done with the Planet I entrusted to you?" With love and kindness. Some Beings might cry with shame. Especially in China. Red Dragon beware. It has been Free Will rule. God's Expedience, for us to learn from experience, in dynamic way indeed. Shinto religion says the Righteous Gods "retired and hid behind the Rock Door of Heaven", leaving the sub gods in charge. What for? Other sources describe the white bearded Wise men (and women?) paddling furiously away from Yucatan, and other places......leaving the fragile human population must have been for a mighty good reason, they were said to have had tears in their eyes......the Vedic Wise Ones eg from Rus' Arkaim went away too- retreated- but the black monks invaded and murdered the ancestors of many of us. Resets. Mudfloods. Starforts. etc. There is quite an Internet Community investigating such things, eg Jon Levi. The Indian Mahabharata had stories of the gods gambling the treasures, going to war- and ending up in a Hell where they could hear each other but not see. Tragedies.
I listen with awe to counter tenor Andreas Scholl singing "But who may abide the day of His Coming, and who shall stand when He appeareth, for He is like a refiner's fire", From The Messiah, of Handel. And from the Book of Malachi in the Old Testament Bible, last chapters- it tells us that "the day will burn as an oven". So it might be we are in Last Days. And all might be well in the End- and it could be a new Beginning. One can only wish and hope.
I keep thinking that the Fibonacci Series might well be the maths that prevails in futures, into other dimensions, and I have already done some work on this even more than a year ago but it has to be written up nicely and I have been too busy! What with CO2 considerations, other blog. Volcanoes coming. Might I put out a Call to our smart young people----Who can create a computer Program based on the Fibonacci Series? I knew a fine lady now passed away whose son did this decades ago but he had no mentor to help him. Maybe he was before his time.....the Time may be Now?
Melissa- your maths students- could they rise to such a challenge? Thank you to my fine Followers. I am much encouraged that some people like what I try to do. All the very Best to you.
However, I did remove all the shared videos....sorry; it would have been better had i listed the URL for YT of each- this may still be done.
One person was angry about people sharing her crochet spiral video- she said it was stealing. I was upset one day, and so removed all shared videos. It gives a feeling of relief, having less on display, less clutter; tho I regret losing some valuable videos......My mother used to burn the family photos when she was distressed. We humans are so too sensitive, especially if trauma in childhood was our history. Then again, even a few kind words are enough to heal wounds. I remember finding a book in Hornsby library in the 1970s, .........wait a bit, I might remember author.........he was ill in hospital, in terrible pain. A nurse was attending him- he saw big tears in her beautiful Edwardian eyes as she contemplated his plight- and the pain went away!!! So suddenly the pain was Gone. The sight of her tears was the most powerful analgesic!
These days our libraries in Australia, were directed to cull books. Many of my favourite authors have gone out of my local library! It is sobering to remember that nasty History has traditionally followed book burnings, eg Nazi Germany..... We are on the cusp of more Reich atrocities if we are not aware- it is happening in America- Georgia Guidestones........ One wants us to wake up- even this so called "pandemic" is very likely a big Hoax, as is the CO2 global warming Scam. One can write quite a Story about it all and wish to find the truth....the real bioweapon killed
Chinese (used against dissidents) in a few days; horribly, inside organs liquefying!!! Bodies still breathing were put inside 3 bags and thrown into incinerators!!! Such was the fear in Wuhan.....I write on my other blog about CO2 being actually too low at 0.04% 400 parts per million- in Ice Ages it was 0.018%, extinction is at 0.015%. Such is the world that one is not heard at all.
Whole economies and businesses are being trashed- all the hard work of people as nothing. One can only hope we might set the world a bit straighter.... for example, there might have been Someone in Universe has heard the cries of pain of slaughtered animals....all too much to endure.....I do not like red meat to eat. Vegetables full of spiritual energy fresh from Garden are enough for me- no way do I want any artificial lab made Soylent Green "food"!!! Yesterday i bought a bottle of Schweppes tonic water (I didn't see the no sugar)....the quinine is said to be good for health re viruses...but 950 and 951 are codes for aspartame- toxic artificial sweeteners! Implicated in cancers, brain tumours, headaches, seizures...I usually avoid soft drinks because they contain sodium benzoate preservatives; sadly I love bubbles. I like the movie "Time of the Sixth Sun" - it was 11 years in the making- interviews with fine human beings, shamans and all kinds of folk who wish the world to be well. There is hope out there. Our imagination creates the world. I am an old survivor of the days of Dr Arthur Janov's "Primal Scream" therapies- we in Oz were going to heal and save the world! So I understand the depths of sorrow held in the human psyche which might cause us to make mistakes and trouble over and over again.
My feeling is now at age 74 that maybe God had to "go somewhere" to do an urgent task, leaving the world in less capable lower godly hands. One day He might Return. Not with punishment- but asking each of us, "And what have you done with the Planet I entrusted to you?" With love and kindness. Some Beings might cry with shame. Especially in China. Red Dragon beware. It has been Free Will rule. God's Expedience, for us to learn from experience, in dynamic way indeed. Shinto religion says the Righteous Gods "retired and hid behind the Rock Door of Heaven", leaving the sub gods in charge. What for? Other sources describe the white bearded Wise men (and women?) paddling furiously away from Yucatan, and other places......leaving the fragile human population must have been for a mighty good reason, they were said to have had tears in their eyes......the Vedic Wise Ones eg from Rus' Arkaim went away too- retreated- but the black monks invaded and murdered the ancestors of many of us. Resets. Mudfloods. Starforts. etc. There is quite an Internet Community investigating such things, eg Jon Levi. The Indian Mahabharata had stories of the gods gambling the treasures, going to war- and ending up in a Hell where they could hear each other but not see. Tragedies.
I listen with awe to counter tenor Andreas Scholl singing "But who may abide the day of His Coming, and who shall stand when He appeareth, for He is like a refiner's fire", From The Messiah, of Handel. And from the Book of Malachi in the Old Testament Bible, last chapters- it tells us that "the day will burn as an oven". So it might be we are in Last Days. And all might be well in the End- and it could be a new Beginning. One can only wish and hope.
I keep thinking that the Fibonacci Series might well be the maths that prevails in futures, into other dimensions, and I have already done some work on this even more than a year ago but it has to be written up nicely and I have been too busy! What with CO2 considerations, other blog. Volcanoes coming. Might I put out a Call to our smart young people----Who can create a computer Program based on the Fibonacci Series? I knew a fine lady now passed away whose son did this decades ago but he had no mentor to help him. Maybe he was before his time.....the Time may be Now?
Melissa- your maths students- could they rise to such a challenge? Thank you to my fine Followers. I am much encouraged that some people like what I try to do. All the very Best to you.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Stats for Biomathcraft
These are snips from my Stats pages. To do snips, press windows logo, shift, and s on keypad, then select area on page, then save.
A lot are from Pinterest, but when I tried to upload my crocheted seashells on Pinterest, it was not allowed. In previous years there were a lot of vampirestats, but they do not show up now.
Google, this is all very puzzling. I create this blog in good will and could do more, but it does not seem worth it.........there is a lot else going on, with this demonic lockdown all over the world.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Pattern for the Crocheted Apple.
Pattern to Crochet a small Red Apple.
Slip stitch: hook in loop, yarn around hook, pull through
the two (ie loop and stitch).
Single crochet stitch
(sc) : hook in loop, yarn around hook,
pull yarn through loop, yarn around hook, pull yarn through 2 stitches.
Make 4 chains,
sc x2 in
3rd chain, do one chain. (2 stitches).
sc in 1 loop, then twice in next loop. One chain.
(3 st.)
Join the 3 stitches with a slip stitch to make a ring. There are two ways to continue. Do crochet work with front facing out or with
back of work facing outside. The latter
makes an even surface; the former makes
a ridged surface spiral-wise.
Make 3 st to 6
ie Do 2 sc in each of the three
stitches. Place a different colour yarn
(eg yellow) to mark each end of row.
Sc 6, mark with yellow at end….bring yarn
forward or back depending on the row.
Sc x1, sc 2x in next loop (2 to 3), repeat to make 6 st to 9. Continue in spiral, marking end of each row.
Sc x9
Sc x2, sc 2x in next loop (3 to 4), repeat to
make 9 st to 12…..
Sc x12
Sc x2 in each of 12 loops (1 to 2) to make 12 st
to 24……
Sc x24
Sc 1, sc 2x in next loop (2 to 3), repeat to
make 24 st to 36…..
Sc x36
Sc x36
Sc 2, sc 2x in next loop (3 to 4), repeat to
make 36 st to 48
Sc x48.
Repeat to make 6 rows of 48 st.
This is middle of apple……………………………………………………………………………………………….
18. Working backwards. Make 48 st to 36. Sc 2,
hook thro next loop, yarn around hook, pull yarn thro loop, hook into next
loop, yarn around hook, pull thro loop, yarn around hook, pull thro all 3
st (4 to 3).
Sc x36,
repeat to make 3 rows of 36.
Sc 1, decrease as above (3 to 2), repeat to make
36 to 24 st,
Sc x 24, makes 2 rows of 24.
***at this stage put in the cotton wool padding
or whatever other padding you have. Make
sure the beginning yarn comes up through the centre inside of padding.
Sc to decrease 24 to 12 (2 to 1).
Sc 12
Sc decrease 12 to 9 (4 to 3).
Sc 9
Sc decrease 9 to 6 (3 to 2)
Sc 6.
With bulky wool this is limit,
leaving a hole through which the beginning of the yarn can be put, to
make a torus or donut shape; apple
indented top and bottom.
Tie end yarn and beginning yarn in centre. Tuck in neatly. Make a stem of brown yarn, and a green leaf (Tunisian or afghan stitch)and
stem with it
Pattern continues, to crochet
larger apples. Add the following to
middle of the work.
Row 16 was 48
17. two rows
of 48
18. sc x 4, sc
2 x in next loop (4 to 5 st), repeat to
make 60 st.
19. 4 rows of
60. Or can make a few extra rows to make a higher
apple. Halfway.
20. go
into working backwards (5 to 4) etc,
exactly like forward pattern. Until finish off.
OR to make 72
st- after 2 rows of 60, increase sc x 5,
sc 2 x into next loop (5 to 6) makes 72 st. Work 4 or 6 or 8 rows for apple middle, then
begin working backwards, ie 6 to 5 makes 60, etc.
For left handed people, you might have to adjust the
beginning. Step 4. Join the 3 stitches with a slip stitch, take out hook, turn work, and go into 2sc in
last loop, continue in spiral.
Note UK and European and Aust crochet instructions are
different from American stitches. Please
Always count and recount the number of stitches so no
mistakes especially in early stages of work.
The Leaf.
Here is a drawing of a real leaf. I used Tunisian crochet for this. Forgive me if I do not explain each
step. People must be able to figure it
out from measurements given. It is hard
work writing up Patterns correctly. I
found some mistakes in my typing up and have corrected them now. OK I hope.
Please click on image to see it more clearly.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
A crocheted Apple, as promised.
I have it typed up the literal instructions....... I just need to check it.....a torus....
Please see earlier posts with geometry on this blog Biomathcraft.
A Hyperbolic Crochet Apple. 9/26/2014.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Happy New Year 2020., with additions 17/1/2020.
Happy new year. Blessings to all People, to all Creatures, to all Things. We are in Danger, no mistake. Time will tell how our future unfolds. Be brave and true, as much as we can, catastrophic week is forecast in Australia for the coming days. I always post something to mark the New Year. Forgive me, it will have to be a bit later....there is a lot on my mind......tho I HAVE put a lot on my other blogs- and PLEASE TAKE A PEEK. More stuff will come to this here website when things calm down.
All the best for 2020.
I wrote a lot about Mayan Calendar on previous posts, years ago.......I need to find the dates.........
Here they are--Biomathcraft. 2/1/2014. "A Brand New Calendar", Mayan; and on, 2/5/2014. "The Divine Calendar" and an old Chinese Almanac.
I made extensive research and calculus today in regard to the cycles of the Mayan Calendar (39 cycles,each is 20 times shorter than the previous one and contained into the 7th day of the previous one)
Some is said in Romanian ,hopefully you'll understand:
1 tun =360 days
1 tzolkin=260 days
1 uinal=20 days
1 kin=1 day
1 ahaw=1/20 day
1.13*20^21 tun
2.13*20^20 tun
3.13*20^19 tun
4.13*20^18 tun
5.13*20^17 tun
6.13*20^16 tun
7.13*20^15 tun
8.13*20^14 tun
9.13*20^13 tun
10.13*20^12 tun
11.13*20^11 tun
12.13*20^10 tun
13.13*20^9 tun
14.13*20^8 tun
15.13 hablatuns-cellular underworld-16.4 bln yrs-celule
16.13 alautuns -mammalian underworld-820 mln-mamifere,pui vii(dragoni,dinozauri,reptile)
17.13 chinciltuns-familliar underworld -41 mln ani-maimute
18.13 kablatuns -tribal underworld -2 mln ani-oameni
19.13 pictuni -cultural underworld -102000 ani-limbajul vorbit
20.13 bactuni -national underworld -5125 ani(3100 BC)-scrierea
21.13 catuni -planetary underworld-3 D - 256 ani(1769)-industria
22.13 tuni -galactic underworld-4 D -12.8 ani -1999 -internetul,globalizarea
23.13 uinali -universal underworld-5 D -260 de zile -februarie 2011
24.13 kins -Crearea Universului -7 D -13 zile
25.13 ahau -Crearea Multiversului -10 D- 15.6 ore
26.15 D-46.8 minute
27.23 D-140.4 sec
28.36 D-7.02 sec
29.57 D- 351 milisecunde
30.91 D- 17.55 msec
31.146 D-877.5 microsecunde
32.235 D-43.875 microsec
33.379 D-2.19375 microsec
34.612 D-109.6875 nanosecunde
35.989 d-5.484375 nanosec
36.1599 D-274.21875 picosecunde
37.2586 D-13.71 picosec
38.4183 D-0.685 picosec
39.6767 D-34.277 luciansec
(de 2 ori 13 -nr renasterii! (2*6+1 ) -de 2 ori 6 nr creatiei si al distrugerii si de 2 ori nr timpului -7)
fibonnaci array: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144-233-377-610-987-1597-2584-4181
Hopefully we will all reach the 6767th dimension!
I think he means the 6765th dimension = something to think about.
There is More.
We are in The End Times! More and more one might see this. I hope it is comforting to think the New Earth will come, purified of all trauma. There are forces who would have it horrible. It frightens me but one thinks that there must be some Justice in the Universe, and evil must not prevail forever. The transmutation could transform even evil to become happiness and calm.
The Jubilee of all Jubilees is coming! text to follow. There is a lot more in the original document. Forgiveness of all debts!
meanwhile please see 70th Jubilee and Daniel's 70th week, The Kingdom of God.
Leviticus 25: 8-10. Consecrate the 50th year. Begins on a Day of Atonement once every 49 years.
Based on a 1406 BC start date and a 49 year Jubilee cycle, the next Jubilee year will be 2024.
Daniel's 70th week may have started in Sept 2017, on the 120th anniversary of Jubilee since Creation.
If so, the 3.5 year "Great Tribulation will start during Passover in March 2021 (or maybe 2025) and God's KIngdom on Earth will physically begin on the Day of Atonement in Sept 2024. This day will mark the 70th anniversary of Jubilee since Joshua led Israel to possess their promised Land in 1406 BC.(the author found an article in On that day Jesus will fulfil Jubilee, our release from bondage in this world.
I find it hard to believe all this actually. So much has been deception. Old stuff. Better trust one's gut and good sense. They have always been predicting the End of the World and it doesn't happen.......still, events look ominous re Agenda 21, and the Noahide Laws are a terrible threat- so called incumbent on all humanity.....; there are those who wish to harm humankind; we must take care of ourselves and our home Planet.
Realise we are the ones who can save the world with our loving care. WE must protect what is good and proper and live within our means; waste not. Tearing down perfectly good cities and places is a waste of precious resources. If it ain't broke don't mend it. "They" want us to live in boxes in smart cities, prisons......we need to say what WE really want- tell government before it is too late, please.
I write a lot on my other blogs, and eventually it is all too much. I wish I could just live and let live. Do interesting things; communicate with like-minded beings. Enjoy this gift of life. The Georgia Guidestones are inscribed with idea that only 500,000 humans will remain, in perpetuity, to save the Environment.....can WE allow an other destiny to prevail, a kind one!
My feeling is the Indigenous folk knew what to do to keep the Earth alive - they took care of every inch of their country- they understood it and kept it intact not like our plundering faction. The Elders of Australian Aborigines are saying we are in the End Times- there will be Earth Changes; no mistake it will be a great challenge, and it is as it is- we can only do our best- one right thing after another. Go well and God bless.
All the best for 2020.
I wrote a lot about Mayan Calendar on previous posts, years ago.......I need to find the dates.........
Here they are--Biomathcraft. 2/1/2014. "A Brand New Calendar", Mayan; and on, 2/5/2014. "The Divine Calendar" and an old Chinese Almanac.
This is from a young Romanian man,
posted on a forum. I have no name or
other info.
9 more deserves some attention.....I kept it for years!.....since 2012.
until the Mid-Day of the Galactic Underworld:22nd of
May 2007I made extensive research and calculus today in regard to the cycles of the Mayan Calendar (39 cycles,each is 20 times shorter than the previous one and contained into the 7th day of the previous one)
Some is said in Romanian ,hopefully you'll understand:
1 tun =360 days
1 tzolkin=260 days
1 uinal=20 days
1 kin=1 day
1 ahaw=1/20 day
1.13*20^21 tun
2.13*20^20 tun
3.13*20^19 tun
4.13*20^18 tun
5.13*20^17 tun
6.13*20^16 tun
7.13*20^15 tun
8.13*20^14 tun
9.13*20^13 tun
10.13*20^12 tun
11.13*20^11 tun
12.13*20^10 tun
13.13*20^9 tun
14.13*20^8 tun
15.13 hablatuns-cellular underworld-16.4 bln yrs-celule
16.13 alautuns -mammalian underworld-820 mln-mamifere,pui vii(dragoni,dinozauri,reptile)
17.13 chinciltuns-familliar underworld -41 mln ani-maimute
18.13 kablatuns -tribal underworld -2 mln ani-oameni
19.13 pictuni -cultural underworld -102000 ani-limbajul vorbit
20.13 bactuni -national underworld -5125 ani(3100 BC)-scrierea
21.13 catuni -planetary underworld-3 D - 256 ani(1769)-industria
22.13 tuni -galactic underworld-4 D -12.8 ani -1999 -internetul,globalizarea
23.13 uinali -universal underworld-5 D -260 de zile -februarie 2011
24.13 kins -Crearea Universului -7 D -13 zile
25.13 ahau -Crearea Multiversului -10 D- 15.6 ore
26.15 D-46.8 minute
27.23 D-140.4 sec
28.36 D-7.02 sec
29.57 D- 351 milisecunde
30.91 D- 17.55 msec
31.146 D-877.5 microsecunde
32.235 D-43.875 microsec
33.379 D-2.19375 microsec
34.612 D-109.6875 nanosecunde
35.989 d-5.484375 nanosec
36.1599 D-274.21875 picosecunde
37.2586 D-13.71 picosec
38.4183 D-0.685 picosec
39.6767 D-34.277 luciansec
(de 2 ori 13 -nr renasterii! (2*6+1 ) -de 2 ori 6 nr creatiei si al distrugerii si de 2 ori nr timpului -7)
fibonnaci array: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144-233-377-610-987-1597-2584-4181
Hopefully we will all reach the 6767th dimension!
I think he means the 6765th dimension = something to think about.
There is More.
We are in The End Times! More and more one might see this. I hope it is comforting to think the New Earth will come, purified of all trauma. There are forces who would have it horrible. It frightens me but one thinks that there must be some Justice in the Universe, and evil must not prevail forever. The transmutation could transform even evil to become happiness and calm.
The Jubilee of all Jubilees is coming! text to follow. There is a lot more in the original document. Forgiveness of all debts!
meanwhile please see 70th Jubilee and Daniel's 70th week, The Kingdom of God.
Leviticus 25: 8-10. Consecrate the 50th year. Begins on a Day of Atonement once every 49 years.
Based on a 1406 BC start date and a 49 year Jubilee cycle, the next Jubilee year will be 2024.
Daniel's 70th week may have started in Sept 2017, on the 120th anniversary of Jubilee since Creation.
If so, the 3.5 year "Great Tribulation will start during Passover in March 2021 (or maybe 2025) and God's KIngdom on Earth will physically begin on the Day of Atonement in Sept 2024. This day will mark the 70th anniversary of Jubilee since Joshua led Israel to possess their promised Land in 1406 BC.(the author found an article in On that day Jesus will fulfil Jubilee, our release from bondage in this world.
I find it hard to believe all this actually. So much has been deception. Old stuff. Better trust one's gut and good sense. They have always been predicting the End of the World and it doesn't happen.......still, events look ominous re Agenda 21, and the Noahide Laws are a terrible threat- so called incumbent on all humanity.....; there are those who wish to harm humankind; we must take care of ourselves and our home Planet.
Realise we are the ones who can save the world with our loving care. WE must protect what is good and proper and live within our means; waste not. Tearing down perfectly good cities and places is a waste of precious resources. If it ain't broke don't mend it. "They" want us to live in boxes in smart cities, prisons......we need to say what WE really want- tell government before it is too late, please.
I write a lot on my other blogs, and eventually it is all too much. I wish I could just live and let live. Do interesting things; communicate with like-minded beings. Enjoy this gift of life. The Georgia Guidestones are inscribed with idea that only 500,000 humans will remain, in perpetuity, to save the Environment.....can WE allow an other destiny to prevail, a kind one!
My feeling is the Indigenous folk knew what to do to keep the Earth alive - they took care of every inch of their country- they understood it and kept it intact not like our plundering faction. The Elders of Australian Aborigines are saying we are in the End Times- there will be Earth Changes; no mistake it will be a great challenge, and it is as it is- we can only do our best- one right thing after another. Go well and God bless.