Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Torus

This will be the Age of the Torus.  See also the documentary "Thrive" on YouTube.
Check out the Keshe Foundation.

Torus Fun Video by ieoie
Sacred Geometry

I tried to crochet a torus one year ago, but the result was too frilly around the edges, and tight to breaking point at the centre.

Here is mathematical modelling , in accordance with Fibonacci Series to enable increases in size:-

The Plan is -- to make a model, whenever I can manage it.
More text and info to follow on this fascinating subject!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Real Seashell, Updating **

This space is for the documenting of making a better seashell model, adding time and space, etc.

These images are from a previous post. 2012

More work will be added asap.



Another model has been made  = a black and white one.
Previous posts have been updated = 2/24/2012  and 1/19/2011

The top of the shell is a real challenge in understanding the real thing.
Mathematical model of spirals similar to the torus?............will try.....


More,  20/5/2014

This is what the inside looks like.  I have worked on one model for more than 4 days of my life.
Experiments always bring failures until one gets it right!


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Adding Time and Space to Seashell Models. **

One can add length and time to knit and crochet models.  While the leading edge is growing, also the edges behind are growing;  I try to work it like this:-  Similarly with thickness.  One can glue several layers together.

Here is the Pattern:-

You might notice that the Lucas Series is involved-   2,  1,  3,  4,  7,  11,  18,  29,  47,  76,  123,  199,  322,  521,  843,  1364,  2201,  3571,  ..........I shall later add the extra, relevant Patterns.

89 stitches

144 stitches

233 stitches

Up to 377 stitches

Adding 610 and 987

dividing the shape into 5 and gathering along the ribs, moulding to shape.  One could use Aquadhere glue, diluted somewhat to stiffen the model..  The hinge area needs several layers to make it strong and thick.  Some seashells can be 2cm thick at Umbo.

dividing the model into 5;  each edge is about 200 stitches long.
Maybe one could make a model in paper or fabric by gluing 5 layers next to each other.

The full model is stitched together along its sides and displayed like a vortex.

curling the model to form a spiral vortex.

(Update 16/4/2014.....   there are 2 more configurations,  such as for the earliest Hyperbolic shape seashells eg posts on 5/25/2010.  Also  Nautilus (Cephalopod) shape 5/3/2011.   I shall  have to make them and take photos.)

In following a Pattern for the Fibonacci Series
One might need to count when knitting or crocheting,  as shown in much earlier Patterns
One knits by starting from the widest edge and working back to the small numbers.

Back in 28/4/2011 there were Patterns for crocheting the Vortex.  There are similarities with today's Pattern.

Also in 23/6/2010 there was a green shape to 610 stitches;  the edge was exceedingly frilly.  The algorithm for Pattern was Fn = 2Fn-2  + Fn-1  eg 89 = 2 x 34 + 21

See 12/12/2012 for the first 135 Fibonacci Numbers.

Please see YouTube for a very beautiful Irish Crochet seashell.
It is "by lacefromIreland."  Seashell in Irish crochet lace.
It is not in accordance with Fibonacci numbers, but it is charming work in its own right.


One can also learn how to crochet, even left handed, by watching tutorials on YouTube.  eg Pip Lincoln is very good.


Aha,  I have managed to find the Irish Lace Seashell from Youtube to embed in my blog!

A Brand New Calendar!

According to the Mayan Calendar,  20 Dec 2012 was described as
21 Dec 2012 was =  the end of the Calendar
which began 11 August 3114 BC.  This was the start of The Great  Cycle.
(Some data says this is
12 August 3114BC would have been      3114 + 2012 = 5126 years.
 22 Dec 2012 was and begins a new Calendar which is said to end 13 Oct 4772.
4772 -2012 = 2760 years.  Interestingly, one website says King Pakal , whose most famous tomb lid is at Palenque, was crowned on 5 Lamat 1 Mol ie 615 CE.  This date will come again after 1 Pictun on 21 Oct 4772.     The idea is Reincarnation of this Shining King!

According to Wikipedia/Mesoamerican Long Count, will be 26 March 2401, will be 28 June 2801, will be 11 July 4378     ----and will be 13 Oct 4772 ! 

Today is 2/2/2014 and can be written as  in the Long Count.  
We are at the start of the 14th Baktun , as far as I can discern.
There are many discrepancies in a lot of data online.  Some may use zero differently.

I found an amazing website!
Old time ratio was 12:60  ie "time is money"
This came to an end 16Aug 1987.
Now 13:260 has returned 26July 1992
The Law of Time   -Ratio 13:20.  Energy factored by Time = Art.
Divine Law and Natural Time.  The time bandits have run out of time,
We are on Timeship Earth,  not just Spaceship Earth!
7 years to 2020, then  rainbow bridge.......
------------------  = 1 k'in  = 1 day = 1 uinal (winal) = 20 days = 1 tun = 360 days;   1 tun = 18 uinal; = 1 ka'tun = 7200 days = 1 b'ak'tun = 144,000 days

13 Bak'tun = 1,872,000 days
K’in  =  1 day
Winal (or Uinal)  =  20 K’in = 20 days
Tun = 20 x 18 Winal = 360 days
K’atun = 20 Tun = 7200 days
Bak’tun = 20 K’atun = 144,000 days = 400 Tun (years)
13 Bak’tun = 5200 Tun = 1.872 million days = 3114BC
Pictun = 20 Bak’tun = 2,880,000 days = 8000 Tun
Calabtun = 20 Pictun = 57,600,000 days = 16000 Tun
Kinchiltun = 20 Calabtun = 1,152,000,000 days = 3200000 Tun
Alautun = 20 Kinchiltun = 23,040,000,000 days = 64000000 Tun
Hablatun = 20 Alautun = 460,800,000,000 days = 1.28 billion years

13 Hablatun = 5,990,400,000,000, days = 16.4 billion years = “Big Bang”

2021 = 2.097 152 x 1027
2020 = 10.485 600 x 1025
2013 = 81 x 1015
207 = 1.28 x 109  = 1.28 billion = 1 Hablatun
206 = 64 x 106 = 64 million = 1 Alautun
205 = 3.2 x 106 = 3.2 million = 1 Kinchlitun
204 = 1.6 x 105  = 1 Calabtun
203 = 8 x 103 = 8,000 = 1 Pictun
202 = 1 Baktun = 20 Katun = 400 Tun

1 Katun = 20 Tun (years)
There is a Stele at Copan  carved 1300 years ago, which goes back to 14 Powers above Big Bang;    impossibly far away time.....but what if time is not linear..... what if it is simultaneous?.....

I found a reference to this Stele in my Maya Book and I will sketch it.  Thank goodness for Real Books.  It is very difficult to research using only Internet!

Did the Mayans know about the Fibonacci Series?
They use 13, the 7th in the Series
and 144 is constantly used.  It is the 12th in the Series.
1/4 of 144 = 36
1/2 of 144 = 72
2 x 144 = 288
4 x 144 = 576
8 x 144 = 1152
16 x 144 = 2304
32 x 144 = 4608
144,000 days = 394.25 years
144000 / 365 = 394.52054;   144000 / 360 = 400.
(very confusing to not know which is being used.)

Please click on image to enlarge it.  Thank you.

This is what happens when I choose extra large image......

  6/2/2014..NB.  I have posted a Divine Calendar and an Ancient Chinese Almanac calendar on my
Very similar.  The Maya also knew about Leap Years.