Thanks to a multifaceted jewel of a maths blog,
we can see a lovely video by Cristobal Vila in the section on Fibonacci.
If you check it out via YouTube
there are adjacent videos by Vi Hart, most engaging,
"Doodling in Maths, and Being a Plant".
She explains the Fibonacci angle which is 360 degrees divided by phi.
See also "Wind and Mr Ug", to do with Mobius strip. Nice.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
More Mermaids
Longtime no post.
Soon there will be some pics of more mermaids.
Meanwhile see, and Body Sphere, dated 15 July 2012. You need to click on 2012 under 2013 for transcripts and downloads of the program.
Mention is made of Lynne Sherr's book, "Swim", Million dollar mermaid Annette Kellerman.
In Byron Bay, Aust, there is Kazzie Mahina of
There are young women in Victoria Aust. who dress up in specially made tails,
Nerissa, Aradnia and Volitania,
as mermaids, to teach water safety and marine ecology.
For example, there is video on with many more videos embedded. eg Mermaid Melissa of Florida, and YouTube fame. Her life is sheer hard work to save the oceans with love.
Fascinating. There has been a story of a young man swimming with merfin (a single fin).
1/12/2013 as promised, more mermaids, these were drawn by Paris whose mermaid was published at the end of the previous post.
And a merman! Picture was found in a book about the Russian Artists of Palekh.
Newspaper clipping from "The Australian"Tom Bass sees the bronze mermaid he sculpted 60 years before; it is in a garden alongside Sydney Harbour.
Soon there will be some pics of more mermaids.
Meanwhile see, and Body Sphere, dated 15 July 2012. You need to click on 2012 under 2013 for transcripts and downloads of the program.
Mention is made of Lynne Sherr's book, "Swim", Million dollar mermaid Annette Kellerman.
In Byron Bay, Aust, there is Kazzie Mahina of
There are young women in Victoria Aust. who dress up in specially made tails,
Nerissa, Aradnia and Volitania,
as mermaids, to teach water safety and marine ecology.
For example, there is video on with many more videos embedded. eg Mermaid Melissa of Florida, and YouTube fame. Her life is sheer hard work to save the oceans with love.
Fascinating. There has been a story of a young man swimming with merfin (a single fin).
1/12/2013 as promised, more mermaids, these were drawn by Paris whose mermaid was published at the end of the previous post.
And a merman! Picture was found in a book about the Russian Artists of Palekh.
Newspaper clipping from "The Australian"Tom Bass sees the bronze mermaid he sculpted 60 years before; it is in a garden alongside Sydney Harbour.